Day 27
Whatever is coming against you today, ask yourself, "What do I need to learn and grow from this to come out the other-side." One thing to learn in difficult times is the sovereignty of God, and in these times allow it to mold you and bring out the hidden gem inside you.
God uses hardships in our lives to mold and make us into the man or women of purpose He has called us to be. If you feel God has called you to start a business, be a preacher, hair-stylist, prophet, foot ball player, teacher, etc... Than He has also called you to a season of training and molding. Just like any sports athlete, doctor or any profession you need a time of learning before you launch out into the public arena. For some reason those who have been called to the five fold offices feel that they do not need this season. Those in the secular position's do not have the abilities to preform to their maximum potential, they have years of schooling and training No one is born with all the skills necessary to preform their best. Yes, we are born with the gift or natural abilities, but, we all need to be taken through a school. Whether we go through a university or school of the Spirit. By allowing this time in your life, you will become a better person both morally and intellectually.
I am sure the NBA players did not wake up one day, jump on the court with a basketball and know how to do it all. Most Hollywood actors did not show up in front of the camera and become the best without first spending time in theater and in some B rated shows.
So why is it people who have been called as a prophet, pastor, apostle, evangelist or teacher think that as soon as they receive the prophecy they jump into their calling? Thus making tons of mistakes that wound, and could have been preventive had they given God the time necessary. During this time of training Holy Spirit also brings out your uniqueness. What will set you apart and make your calling or profession something through which He can change the world and bring Heaven on Earth. Just like a tree does not start out a tree, but a seed than a sapling, than it blooms and after the season of blooming comes the fruit it was meant to bear. Allow this season in your life, it will also strengthen and deepen your relationship with Your Father. You will need His strength when those difficult times come.