Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Day 21

The Wisdom of Intercession
What is the difference between prayer and intercession?  Prayer is a solemn request for help or expression of  thanks addressed to God. Intercession is praying on behalf of another person, group of people or nation. We were made to intercede on the behalf of others. When we do it gets our eyes off of ourselves and helps us look to the needs of others and in this God fulfills our needs as well as the needs of others. We interceded on behalf  those who can't pray for themselves because they don't see the need or are in the middle of a very stressful situation and need to be lifted up. We all need help now and again and become weary in the middle of a battle and when someone else steps in on our behalf, that, a lot of times is the key to breakthrough needed.
As we press in, on behalf of another we move out of our flesh way of intercession, into the Spirit and He helps us pray as we should. He gives us spiritual wisdom and spiritual thoughts. This takes us deeper, into the realm of the Spirit and we can see what Gods heart is for the situation and pray accordingly.  We then become stewards of the mysteries of God. With these mysteries we can then declare them into the heavens and cause heavens to open and breakthrough to come. We do not engage in physical battles but spiritual ones. These are won by prayers, declarations and intercessions. Ephesians 6:18,19....with all prayer and petition pray at all in the Spirit, and with this in view, be on the alert with all perseverance and petition for all the saints (intercession), and pray on my behalf that utterance may be given me in the opening of  mouth, to make known with boldness the mystery of the gospel.... What this is teaching us is that we are to pray on behalf of others so that God will intervene and give them wisdom to overcome the evil one, giving them strength to go forward with boldness preaching and declaring Gods word.
Prayer for today:
Lord Jesus, give me a Spirit of wisdom, revelation and understanding when it comes to intercession and prayer. Bring to my mind those who I need to be interceding for and give us all boldness to proclaim your word to those who need to hear from You. I ask for understanding on behalf of others who need You, so that I will pray as I ought to. amen.