Saturday, May 28, 2016

Gifts of the Holy Spirit: the anointing./Part 3

When we are anointed by Holy Spirit for any task He asks of us, we are given His power. A measure of His power or anointing. This is through the laying on of hands by others with similar anointing or through an encounter with Jesus. We receive a measure, not the fullness of the one anointing us. Holy Spirit will only give us what our character can carry. In other words, our character must be able to hold, carry, use and work with the Holy Spirit. If you have not allowed God the time to refine your character, and He puts the fullness of what He has on you,  soon your gift would be corrupted.  Why? Because the sin which so easily entangles us weights us down, and satan would that to his advantage. <><>
Any strongholds, sins or corrupted mind sets will wage war inside us and if not concord and will control our lives. We can be free of wrong mind sets and strongholds, but we are living in a fallen world and we will sin. It is what you do with that sin that changes things. If you seek God and ask for forgiveness and cleansing,He will do this, always. But if you do not acknowledge the sin, continue in that sin, this is when it leads to a wrong mind-set and a stronghold in your life. This is what will corrupt the power and gifts given to you.<><>
Gifts are given as Holy Spirit wills.  Grace comes with the gift along with authority and power to use the gift to its measured ability. It is that measure which helps us use the gift. We need to operate within the parameters or measure given us. This helps to use the gifts wisely and to the extent which God has placed in you. God knows each of us, what we can and can't handle or carry. If too much power or authority is given you will crumble under the weight of it.<><>
To give an example, in II Chronicles 5 they are dedicating the temple. This is a positive way that the glory of God can come upon you and you can not stand. But think of it in the opposite. His glory is pure, righteous, holy. If this touches our sinful nature, it brings about a reaction whether it be positive or negative.<><>
I am giving you a short list of verses which I feel pertain to how we are to live and carry the power God has for each of us. These scripture will help you gain the holy righteous life needed to carry your gifts wisely and productively: Hebrews 12: 4-15
                                                 Hebrews 5:12 to -6:12
                                                 Titus 3
                                                 II Timothy 2:15-19
                                                 II Timothy 1: 6-14 ...the gifts we are given are a treasure.
                                                Philippinas 2: nothing from selfishness or empty conceit,(this includes using your gifts)
                                                Colossinas 3:10
                                                I Corinthians 14:1 & 12

I hope you study or meditate on these scripture and as you do may God strengthen, establish and confirm you in your gifts.<><>

My prayer for you: Many blessings to be poured out on your life, being renewed day by day, and  the grace of Christ be upon you, having fellowship with the Holy Spirit, understanding the will of God. Being Kingdom minded in all you do, strengthened with His power to use you gifts wisely, overcoming evil with good, walk with strength and boldness. Being an example to all believers, putting no confidence in the flesh. May His plans and love become established in your life, ears to hear and eyes to see beyond what the world is seeing, but into the depths of true reality. amen.<><

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Gifts of the Spirit: living by the Spirit or flesh.....

Having a life with supernatural encounters, has to be one lead by the Spirit. Romans 8: 13...if you are living according to the flesh, you must die, but if by the Spirit you are putting to death the deeds of the body you will live. For all who are being led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God.  Verse 5 teaches us that those who live according to the flesh set their mind on the things of the flesh, but those who are living according to the Spirit the things of the Spirit.<><

When we walk by the Spirit and the Spirit of God dwells in us a door to the supernatural is opened. We will experience a depth never before encounter. This is also the place His gifts operate. The gifts of the Spirit can operate by the flesh. Workings done by the flesh profit flesh rewards ( Romans 8 and Gal. 6 )  Colossians 3 is teaching us to put on our new self, setting our minds on things above, the supernatural or Kingdom way of living. Put on our new man, and put aside evil practices, such as guile and deceit, anger, wrath, malice, slander and the like, you will be renewed. As the renewal process takes place,  we put on love, peace, forgiveness, compassion, kindness, and humility. As we say yes to Holy Spirit our gifts will become stronger and the influence of the flesh diminishes. We all have the gifts, even when not walking with Christ, but there is fleshly influence with them. So they do not operate quite how God intended, in-till the time we allow God access to our spirits and He shapes and molds us with our gifts purified. <><

The gift of prophecy is one example. In the unsaved person, this shows up in Horoscopes, or phone a psychic, or a walk in psychic business. This is corrupted by the prince of this world, satan. Prophecy from this source can be correct in what is said, but the spirit behind it is evil and if you believe the word, I can guarantee curses and bad things will start to come into your life. These  operate out of the spirit realm as well, but by a dark spirit.<><

The foundation or the root of where the gift operate from is vitally important. There is good and evil, right and wrong. Choosing  to use good and seeking the right source for your gifts will bring the Kingdom of Heaven on earth and open up blind eyes to the truth and light.  <><

The goal here is to remove all fleshly influence from our lives, from our walk with God. Those who have said to God, renew a right spirit in me and every false way, are the ones who will excel in the gifts. Ephesians 6: 12 teaches us that our struggle isn't against flesh and blood, but against spiritual forces in heavenly places. These "spiritual places" are in the second heaven. This is between us and the third heaven, which is where Christ dwells. We are on earth, satan and his demons come from the second heaven but move about on earth. The third heaven, where Christ, and the heavenly angels dwell, but they too come down to earth when man calls out to them or doors are opened and there is a need for them. Holy Spirit dwells in each person who believes in Christ and is walking with Him and wants a holy righteous life style. The Holy Spirit will not make anyone accept His presence. He does not force His will upon others. When we surrender our will, our life to Him and He comes upon us and dwells inside, this is when He becomes our guide and Helper( John 14).
 It is from this place of surrender, that our hearts and lives are transformed and His gifts are manifested through His Spirit in our walk. Other wise, the gifts are manifested through our dark corrupted spirits. <>< This is where the verse at the beginning of this teaching comes in. What is done by the flesh, reaps the flesh and profits us nothing. I know it seems like there are a lot of deeds, activities, music, plays, sports, whole life styles lived by the flesh. There is nothing wrong with enjoying this beautiful world God made for us to enjoy, but it is what is done with it. You can see the effects of man's miss-use, corruption and degradation showing on this earth. This is because God has not been invited into the situation. He is removed from equation, this is a prime example of what it looks like when things are done by the flesh and not by the Spirit. You see the effects with your eyes, now apply this inward, toward our spirits and how it looks manifested in the spirit realm. The pollution, the degradation done to us and the invisible realm as well. This is what is meant by the flesh. This also has an effect on anyone around us. Nothing done good or bad right or wrong, effects only the one preforming the act.<><
So, as we seek Holy Spirit, asking for His gifts, lets also ask for a clean heart and a pure Spirit with which to use these gifts......<><
 Between now and the next teaching study Romans 8 and Ephesians 2 and Galatians 5. These chapters will give you understanding on the flesh and spirit filled life style.
Part three of this teaching will be on how to use the gifts and the effect they have on the holder and the the mean time. Declare this over your life.....may Gods face shine upon me and give me peace, may His Sprit guide me, may I be lead away from evil and temptation and have an angelic encounter and God dreams in the night. teach me  , right from wrong, good from I will know truth and walk in freedom .. amen