Day 22
The Wisdom of Trusting in God
There are different opinions on how success is measured. Mans ideas of what success is and how to reach it, and then there is Gods, Kingdom keys to success and how that looks from Heavens perspective.
Mans is based on how you look to world. What you do, act and how much you accomplish.
The worlds is based on performance, not so much on how you reach the top, so long as you do.
Gods way is contrary to this way of thinking. His is based on how much of yourself you give to Him and allow Him to mold and make you. This is hard for a lot of us to do. Yield totally to Him, breaking off strongholds that in most circles would be deemed acceptable. The lives of Saul and David is a great example of this. Saul was chosen by God, but He was not put through the one key to his success: Gods boot camp. He was picked out because of his looks, charisma and family line. He didn't last long, before he went against Gods commands. Gods spirit wasn't on him, and an evil spirit sent from the Lord, was with him day and night.
David on the other hand went through 30 plus years of being in the desert, being molded by God to reign as His chosen king, When we allow God to take us through the desert and mold us, we can withstand the enemies attacks and bring Gods glory to this earth. Why? The key to David's success was giving his life to God and trusting Him.
I feel the first key to success is trusting God. It is hard to put oneself totally in Gods hand and trust Him to mold and make you and release you into your position when He says you are ready.
I Peter 5:10 states and after you have suffered for a little while (this depends on how much of your old nature you allow God to remove and how long it takes), the God of all grace who called you to His eternal glory in Christ, will Himself perfect, confirm, strengthen and establish you.
This is the first key to success. Allowing God total access to your life. Then when the process is over you will be able to withstand the pressures and carry His glory to the fullest.
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