Sunday, August 21, 2016


Wisdom of Kingdom living:

If you are going to live by the Kingdom of God, than what you do should be governed by the  life style of the Kingdom. You cant say "I live by the word of God" and then have your actions show just the opposite. In other words, what you do should reflect the Kingdom of God, because, we are His sons and daughters and we are a reflection of Him and His Kingdom.

If my actions, life style and words are a reflection of the world and that way of doing anything,,,from work to interaction with others, to how I operate my life than I am not living a Kingdom life.

Jesus says, "You will be known by your fruits....everyone who hears these words of mind and acts upon them may be considered a wise man....not everyone who says Lord Lord will enter the Kingdom, but He who does the will of My Father who is in Heaven....No one can serve two master....beware of practicing righteousness before men to be noticed by them....for if you forgive men of their transgressions Your Heavenly Father will forgive you....and why do you look at the speck in your brothers eye, but do not notice the log in your eye.....repent for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand..." and much more...(Matt. 5-7)

We all need to examine ourselves and see what kind of fruit we are producing in our personal lives. Not looking at others but our own, for you are not responsible for what choices others make, but your  own. Except in the case of a leader. If you are a leader than you are in jeopardy of leading them down the wrong path. You then will be held accountable not only for what you do, but how your life style and choices effected those around you. We as leaders are held responsible for those with whom we have influence over. We are responsible for so much more, for God has given us a higher calling in life. But with that calling comes authority over the spirit realm. So we can see and hear and clear the way for the Lord, and bear fruit for future generations.

To bear good fruit, we are pruned  and molded by  God and lead by His Holy Spirit. He prunes and blesses you and I to bear Kingdom Fruit  (John 15). By abiding in Him we bear fruit, fruit that remains and doesn't spoil, then we ask what we will, He hears and answers. Giving us authority over darkness, setting captives free. This is a privilege, to help others find freedom in Christ, and thus glorifying our Father in our actions and the lives of others. But we need to do this by His ways and not the way of man. For when Gods ways are released, then the Kingdom is released and an amazing impact upon this culture, changing the face of the world.

Lord Jesus, cause us to know right from wrong, good from evil so  what we do truly is a reflection of Your Kingdom and bring glory to Your Name. Strengthen us each day to hear Your voice, follow You and be know in Your Kingdom, by who we are We love you and want to bring Honor to Your name. In Jesus name amen.

blessings as you walk out the Kingdom lifestyle ....

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