Wednesday, March 23, 2016

The Source of Your Wisdom

What is the source, your >go to< when you  need answers, when you hurt, feel fear, sadness, pain, confusion. Anytime you need an answer. Anytime you need advise. The what or who will give you the advise or direction you need. There are really only 2 true source's. Where your source receives his/her wisdom, what he/ she builds their wisdom on is of note worthy interest. Why? Because, one is from darkness and one is from light. There are a tremendous amount of places a seeker can find his or her answers,  but what is the foundation of your source.  Where do they receive the answers  they pass on to you? Is it from the light or darkness they receive wisdom?

Knowing this is of great value. Answers that will truly give you peace when you are confused or fearful, joy in the midst of trying times, strength when you are at your weakest point in life, courage to face anything and know that whatever the outcome it will be  "ok". Some answers look good for awhile, but have no lasting effect. They leave you empty. Deep down inside you still feel the pain, emptiness, fear, sadness, lack of courage and strength to face another day. Yes they may help for awhile. It's like putting a Band-Aid on a broken arm. The end result just isn't going to work or give you the desired outcome you need or want for that matter. 

Truly knowing where you receive your wisdom for life's challenges is something you need to look into for yourself. Find out the foundation of your sources wisdom.

I will share with you a little wisdom from my Source. I hope it gives you some answers for todays problems. My Source gives me courage everyday to face what lies ahead. I know the foundation of my Source comes from  light. My Source has never failed me. Maybe the outcome for a particular situation may have not come out the way I  envisioned it, but the end result: the best for me. I guess, trust is a major factor in our relationship. Do I trust my Source to give me the right wisdom at the right time with the right out come? This takes relationship. This takes time and effort.                                          
Trust in a foundation for any relationship. People will fail in this area, well, because we are people and we have a tendency to fail every now and again. (throughout  the day)....
Everyday I ask my Source for the wisdom for todays challenges and I try to keep an ear open to hear what I need. One thing I have learned is that kindness and truth need to be at the forefront of all I do. What I do needs to be done out of kindness not guile or deceit. Anything done on the basis of a lie will be found out eventually. Nothing can stay hidden forever. And truth. There seems to be a wide definition of what "truth" is. Truth is by Webster: the real facts about something the things that are true. The quality or state of being true. The problem with this answer is the real facts that make something true. We all see through a lens. If that lens hasn't been "cleaned" you won't see clearly. A dirty lens comes from hurts, trials, fears, pain anything life threw at us and stuck to us. I guess healing from past mistakes and pains would be good place to start receiving wisdom. Get the eyes to your heart healed so your heart can receive wisdom. Being healed means, having what brought the wound completely taken care of. Having the very core of our being soothed and restored to wholeness.

This is my prayer over you this day>< I declare over your heart and soul that any hurt you have received be healed, may all wounds be sealed over and completely healed. I declare the true Source release true healing upon the eyes to your heart. May you walk out today with a new sense of truth, healing and wholeness inside you. May you be surrounded with a safety net this week as you continue to heal and receive truth where you have been deceived. and may all you do be done with kindness in mind.

Monday, March 21, 2016

Why read this blog

Good day to you. I am starting this blog with the hopes of empowering you, the reader into a better way of thinking, hence making your life prosperous in all ways. In this journey of life, each one of us was made with a destiny in mind. It is imprinted into our very DNA. We need to find out what this is and learn how to ready ourselves, and live life to the fullest.

All the necessary tools are avaible to you, and my hope with this blog is to be able to empower you with those tools. As you learn, new ways of living and succeeding in  life, you will change, Your thoughts, your actions, your beliefs and your life will benefit those in your sphere of influence.

Look to the horizon, there awaits for you a wonderful new journey. One that will take courage, strength and faith. One that I know you can accomplish as you are empowered!