Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Day 24

The wisdom in worship>
I have realized several times over the past 15 years, since God and I started walking together, that worship is just as much for God as for me. Worship helps me: heal> grow> keeps my vision clear>honors God by exulting Him>I can and do experience visions when pressing into His Presence and last but not least, the reason why I feel worship is wisdom, when I don't worship I loose the reality of Heaven and His Presence in my everyday life.> I believe the act of worship keeps the heavens open before me.>
I believe that when we listen to secular music it is a fleshly way or a worlds replacement for worship.>Listening to this style of music still leaves us empty and unloved at the end.> It does not satisfy the craving deep within our souls, we need so much to be filled. Sure, for a short while it takes our mind off of our cares and concerns, but if we are honest with our selves it does not give us what we need>
Worship also fills a void in our souls and spirits.> God placed this within our DNA when He created man and women>  We were created to walk with Him> To have Him be apart of  our life>
You are complete when you worship. I know if I miss a few days of spending time in worship, I start to loose my connection with Him. If I am in a season of trials I will start to loose my focus and sometimes depression comes upon me. Music, when played with right intentions will heal, bring joy, peace, focus and vision.> There have been a lot of experiments made with music, with no words, what it does to our bodies.  Healing Frequencies Music link, I have posted above, has results from such test taken. When you can click on the link and learn about your body, soul and spirit and its link to music>
If you truly want to have fruit that lasts, benefit man kind, and benefit yourself. Worship> If you want to honor God and have a deeper relationship with Him.> Worship everyday>

Monday, April 18, 2016

Day 25

Today we are going add on from Day 27.
Wisdom of growth.  If you jump into your life long ambition and haven't allowed God to mold you, take you on a journey of growth,  you could destroy that which you have longed for. Self promotion just leads to works of the flesh, according to Gods way of doing things. Self promotion, leads only to rewards of the flesh and they don't last and you go into this calling without Him. You are jumping ahead of His timing. It would be like going on a trip around the world and not having  anyone to share it with. Do you want God to lead you or your flesh to lead you?
Taking the time of allowing God to take you on His journey to your success, will be the long way, but the best way. It won't happen as quickly as you want it to, but....the final outcome with produce lasting and Heaven approved fruit.
A declaration for this day:
Heavenly Father, if I have launched my idea's ahead of your timing, I ask for your forgiveness. Please mold and make me how I need to be for what you have called me to do. I need Your heart and Your ways in my life. I need You. Help me to be the best I can be, the best of what You need me to be. Amen.