Monday, June 6, 2016

Diana Katona' be empowered: Day 14 Wisdom of Meditation: Philippians 4:8. a...

Diana Katona' be empowered: Day 14

 Wisdom of Meditation: Philippians 4:8. a...
: Day 14   Wisdom of Meditation:   Philippians 4:8. and 9..whatever is true, honorable, right, pure, lovely, of good repute, if t...

Diana Katona' be empowered:   Gifts of the Spirit: Part 4 list of gifts and we...

Diana Katona' be empowered:   Gifts of the Spirit: Part 4 list of gifts and we...:     Gifts of the Spirit: Part 4 list of gifts and we are a gift   Now that we have a better understanding of how the gifts are ...
Day 14

Wisdom of Meditation:
Philippians 4:8. and 9..whatever is true, honorable, right, pure, lovely, of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, let your mind dwell on these things. The things you have learned and received and heard and seen in me, practice these things and the God of peace shall be with you.. This is the wisdom of meditation. To read, and re-read and dwell, think on them, get them embedded into your subconscious mind.
To dwell, to memorize and study what is written, helps to put into action what you dwell on. What you fix your mind on is what your reaction will be in a stressful moment. If you look or dwell on TV shows with foul language, and dirty thoughts, this is what you will put out. That will be your thought life. It takes will- power and Gods power to dwell on healthy things. Right, true and pure is not what is main stream in this world we live in. But it could be, if more and more would press in and what is of good repute.
Honestly, if you talk with people they are sick of the gross shows and products that the media keeps bombarding us with. People want peace and goodness. God made us that way.
Mediate each day on some portion of scripture. Or make up memory cards with verses that you can look at each day for a week and dwell on them throughout the day. Think on the meaning, ask God for a deep meaning and how you can apply it to your everyday life. He will guide you into all truth. It isn't easy to dwell on scripture, but if you apply your self each day, you will overcome the barrier, put there by satan to stop you from dwelling on Gods word. Not only will your thought life be changed, but wrong mindsets will fade away, you will have a healthy body, soul and spirit, by reading Gods word.
Lord Jesus, anoint our minds to dwell on Your word. Give us the anointing of an overcomer, to press forward into Your word and live it in our daily life. We thank You for the living word, sharper than and two edge sword able to know our thoughts. Let us dwell on good , lovely things. amen 

Gifts of the Spirit: Part 4
list of gifts and we are a gift
Now that we have a better understanding of how the gifts are given and how we are to handle them. Lets start using them.!
The gift of knowledge is forth telling and the gift of prophecy is for-telling.  One tells the past the other the future. Words of knowledge would be me telling you something about yourself that I have no prior knowledge of, prophecy is telling you what God has for you in the near or far off future.
Gift of wisdom, would come in handy in difficult situations where you need answers to solve problems that you cant get on your own. Gift of faith to move mountains. Gift of miracles to turn water into wine, or cause an arm to go back or an eye to be put back in place etc.. The gift of healing is to cure a disease or illness or cancer or even the common cold.  Gift of discernment, knowing what is going on around you in the spirit realm. Gift of tongues, speaking in an unknown language as well as a known language and the interpretation of that language.
There you have it all the gifts listed in I Cor. 12. There are other gifts, like hospitality and teaching, making others feel wanted and needed that is certainly a gifts we need. Just being who God created us to be is a gift from the Kingdom of Heaven and much needed here on earth. Being true to God and who He made you to be. If we all were being the gift God made us to be there would be such harmony and peace here on earth, as it is in Heaven. Gods gift to us was salvation through His
Son Jesus Christ. Who came here on earth, lived, taught, laughed, cried and died all for us to have a full life in Him. With eternal life in Heaven.
Be the gift God made you to be, live life to the fullest in Him.
Heavenly Father, we ask for the gifts of Your Spirit to be alive in each of us. Let us heal the sick, cast out demons, raise the dead, and prophecy to the nations. All for Your glory, all for Your people to know and encounter You. We love and need You daily in our lives, to be what You have called us to be. We ask for the grace, power and wisdom to carry on. amen.