Thursday, April 14, 2016

28 Days of equipping

For 28 days I will be equipping you with words of wisdom. Ways to encourage and equip you to be a wiser you, help with the challenges you face everyday, and  words for you to focus on and be the person you were made to be. Let the  fire of the Holy Spirit, burn the chain's of captivity holding back your renewed life.

Today, do not be conformed  to the things of this world, be transformed by: the word of God. Renew your mind. When a situation comes up in the course of this day and a reaction is needed by you, STOP. Think, how should I respond. Try responding in the opposite way you were. If you were harshly spoken to, lied about, screamed upon, lied to or the object of guile and deceit or walked into a conversation filled with gossip. Do not be conformed to this way of living. Take this opportunity to step out of the worlds box and into the supernatural life style. Transform the situation, bring Holy Spirit into this space and time. Let Him equip and use your voice. Bind the evil intent and loose the opposite action. Let the atmosphere be transformed, a window opened and heaven come down. If you make a habit of this eventually the area will be changed and people will  be changed--transformed--renewed. Hearts released from captivity, and destinies fulfilled.

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