Thursday, May 19, 2016

Day 17

Dying to the Old Man,
I just read a resent blog about dying to the old nature and living in my new God given nature. One person asked, "How do I do that on a day to day basis?" That is a good question and would take a book to answer. but I am going to write the daily wisdom, so that we can all overcome the old way of living and get started on the new way in Christ and what He has to offer.
Gal. chapters 5 & 6 give a good description of what the old nature does and then explains what the new nature should look like in our daily life. Each one of us who has accepted Jesus into our life and asked Him to be our savior and have been baptized with water and Holy Spirit has started the process of a new life in Christ. But, we still have old habits to stop and new ones to start. How do we get rid of the bad and start learning the new? The first step, is to daily ask Holy Spirit to show you Jesus in everyday life. Set aside time each day to read the word, teachings by Godly leaders and spend time in prayer. Worship is also necessary. Worship helps us to thank and praise God for who He is and fills our hearts and minds with sounds and words that our minds will dwell on all through our day. Music can heal or harm. The right music, will heal your wounds. God is also enthroned upon our praises. So He is very near, when we solely focus on Him and His attributes.
Study the Bible. Knowledge and wisdom of the ways of kingdom life is essential. Someone who says they are a believer, but they don't read, will have a hard time walking in his new man and have  the Word of God etched in their heart.
New friends are also important. If you truly want to live a new life, you need to let go of all the old. Pray about it, God will guide you. Some say, well you will influence them, and lead them to salvation. If you are a strong person and have soaked in Gods ways, than yes, witness to them. But the word says, not to hang around those who ways are contrary to His.
So study, worship, prayer and trust God. It won't be easy, but it will be worth it.
Just put one foot in front of the other, and the Holy Spirit will lead and guide you. Just keep pressing in!
Holy Spirit, I want the new man inside me. I want a new life, free from all past addictions, hurts, pains and mistakes. Fill me anew with Your power so, I may say yes to You and no to the old man. I want to be alive in Christ and dead to my old habits. I give You permission to invade my life, Mold me and make me like You. I ask for a spirit of wisdom, revelation, understanding, counsel, might and the spirit of the fear of the Lord, I need these to be the overcomer I am in You! Thank You Jesus, for this new life. amen

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