Monday, July 11, 2016

July 11.2016

As I glance over article after article from Christians all over the world, I cant help but laugh. Some prophets say, I am dreaming of Trump, that means that we should all vote for him, He is God chosen man. Then another few articles down the line, Hilary is our next president, God says to vote for her. These are well meaning Christians, who love the Lord, and feel they have heard from the Lord.
who has really heard Gods voice. Who really is so in -tune and close to the Lord, that he really knows, God heart in this matter? It cant be both. Who has heard the truth?

I personally have not sought the Lord on who to vote for. I have not spent time fasting and praying and seeking God for the one who would be the best for this country.
But just from reading and listening I could not vote for either one.

I feel, with the wisdom God has given me, that we should write in one that was in the running The one who has the best intentions for this country. The one who God would chose for this country.

Why does it have to be Hilary or Trump?
Honestly, are either one good for this country?
I mean ,put aside all the prophets, teachers, and preachers words and think about it. Stop looking at either one and look to God's heart and His choice.

Blessings this election season.'
Diana Katona

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